Nestled in the northeastern reaches of Greece, the North Aegean Islands form a captivating archipelago, bordered by the Dodecanese and the Cyclades to the south and the Sporades to the west.
Among these gems are the larger islands of Ikaria, Samos, Lemnos, Lesvos, Chios, Thasos, and Samothrace, each offering a tapestry of cultural richness and natural splendor. Yet, it’s the smaller islands like Agios Efstratios, Agios Minas, Antipsara, Thymaina, Oinousses, Samiopoula, Fournoi, and Psara that unveil hidden treasures and exciting vacation prospects.
Despite being less touristically developed, the North Aegean Islands beckon with their pristine landscapes, rich history, and diverse attractions, promising an enchanting escape off the beaten path.
Organize your next trip to Chios or Samos with these travel guides: